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if you want to take the island burn the boats

Burn the boats:

“If you want to take the island, then burn your boats. With absolute commitment come the insights that create real victory.”
– Tony Robbins


Burn the boats quote meaning:

Really the quote is credited to Julius Caesar, the Roman emperor but Tony Robbins uses it in the context of business and personal development because it’s true.

Business is a 24/7 sport where your competing with countless other people who are trying to takeover market share. It’s like Julius Caesar who sat out to conquer England.

What happened was Caesar upon landing at the coast is they realized that they were outnumbered. Fear began to spread among his soldiers and they began to prepare the ships for retreat. Caesar found that the sentiment among his troops were preparing for defeat and easy retreat.

Caesar wanted to make it a point by burning the boats – to send a message that the only way off this island is if they conquered it. This sent a powerful message to both his army and to the enemies that they meant business.

Now, how does this tie into the realm of personal development?

We create lifelines or map out escapes and list all available exit routes when we really need to burn the boats. By making success the only option and moving at it with unwavering faith, commitment and discipline. Only then will you achieve what your most capable of.

Word of caution:

Obviously this does not meaning betting 100% of your life on red at the Russian roulette table. There’s a balance to everything, the idea is we often don’t give enough of what we’re capable of. We quit too early and don’t see things through.

A good idea I’d suggest reading in connection to this idea of burning the boats is quote #5 on asymmetric risk rewards from our massive success quotes article.

 “With absolute commitment come the insights that create real victory.”

Other Famous Tony Robbins Quotes:

leaders anticipate losers react

“Leaders anticipate losers, react” – Tony Robbins

we live who we believe we are

“We live who we believe we are”
– Tony Robbins

In essence, if we want to direct our lives quote

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once…”
– Tony Robbins

change your story change your life quote

“I would say change your story, change your life, because whatever your story is, becomes the shaper of all your perceptions. What you’re going to try or not…”
– Tony Robbins

change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than pain of change

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”
– Tony Robbins

identity quote tony robbins

“We all have an identity — a set of beliefs that define who we are, what we can and cannot or will not do. And it’s based mostly on our past — some of which is painful, and some pleasurable.”
– Tony Robbins

Leaders spend 5% of their time on the problem and 95% of their time on the solution

“Leaders spend 5% of their time on the problem and 95% of their time on the solution. Get over it and crush it!”
– Tony Robbins

meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck

“The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.”
– Tony Robbins

why live an ordinary life when you can live an extraordinary one

“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one.”
– Tony Robbins


“In life you need either inspiration or desperation.”



“I can tell you the secret to happiness in one word: progress.”


Time Management quotes

“If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible. If you schedule it, it’s real.”

Self Discipline

“Complexity is the enemy of execution.”



“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”


Change Your Life Quotes

“We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.”


“It takes no courage to be a pessimist, to say it’s not going to work”

Feel free to add or start a conversation in the comment thread below with your interpretation of this quote.

Do you agree or disagree with Tony on this quote?

What other quote comes to mind when you read this?


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